
The selection of suppliers is crucial for the sustainable success of a company.

This choice must be made carefully and conscientiously. The selection of suppliers is an important building block for the sustainable success of a company. Instead of starting with the first one that comes along and using the price alone as a decision criterion, it is advisable to take a closer look at the strengths and weaknesses of the potential partner.

In addition to the costs already mentioned, the focus here is on quality, accessibility, distance, the basis of trust, response time, company size, and much more.

At SFS, we try to work in partnership with our long-standing suppliers. This mutual trust and also the precise knowledge of the strengths of the other party are important points for success.

Long-term partnerships secure the mutual know-how that has been built up over the years. The trusted supplier knows the industry, the problems with material and quality as well as the framework conditions for how the deliveries have to be carried out. All of these points must first be worked out together with new suppliers.

If possible, we also try to get regional partners on board. This ensures short distances, saves time and money and helps to avoid unnecessary transport routes.

We would like to mention two of these companies at this point:

The company Greminger Kunststofftechnik from Kolsass/Tyrol has been supporting us with their first-class plastic products and services for several decades. Fair and partnership-based cooperation at eye level, the highest level of expertise in the field of plastics and high delivery reliability and quality characterize Greminger Kunststofftechnik.

S&W Eloxal from Kirchbichl is our trusted surface finisher when it comes to anodizing aluminum parts. Due to the long cooperation of more than 20 years, the employees of S&W know exactly what requirements we have for the anodized coating. Even when there are tight deadlines, we can rely 100% on S&W Eloxal and together we can always make the impossible possible. 

At this point we would like to say a big thank you to all our long-term partners who have made a significant contribution to the development and success of our company.

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