Highly motivated and well-trained employees are the key to success for all businesses, regardless of their sector. But companies have been complaining about the increasing shortage of professionals for years. In Austria 83% of businesses state that they have difficulties finding qualified specialists. 39% complain about significant sales losses as a result of the shortage of skilled labour. (Ernst&Young study "Employment and shortage of skilled labour in Austria" Feb. 2022)
We at SFS-Fluidsysteme also need qualified specialists for our continuous growth. Which is why, in addition to our efforts to be an attractive employer, we have launched several initiatives to address future specialists while they are still at school and to send them our offer for an apprenticeship or a job. Participation in career fairs, the GIRLS’ DAY, contacts to schools such as the NMS and the Polytechnikum, but also our wide range of offers for trial apprenticeships and practical weeks help us with this. As a result, we were able to take on 4 new apprentices in our company this year. We train them in the fields of mechanical engineering (metal technology) and office management.
Training young people to become specialists represents an important contribution to society for us. In addition, this in-house training brings great opportunities for our company and lays the foundation for us to remain competitive in the long term. Because we do not only produce new specialists, we can also train them directly according to our requirements. This gives us great advantages as a manufacturer of customized solutions, particularly in the area of mechanical engineering, but also as a technical company that employs office administrators.
Apprentices also bring a breath of fresh air into the company and are characterized by a high level of enthusiasm and flexibility. It is very important to us that the young professionals of the future feel comfortable in our company and that they experience and get to know our corporate philosophy and our values.