Current topics
The blog posts by our employees provide a small insight into our daily work and the variety of topics at SFS-Fluidsysteme.

Katharina Hagner: 3 questions - 3 answers
Katharina, you are the central point of contact for all employees. Please tell us about your many different tasks. My responsibilities range from the ‘usual’ secretarial tasks to

New CNC EMCO Hyperturn HT45G3 high-performance
We put the new EMCO Hyperturn HT45G3 high-performance CNC turning centre into operation in the first half of 2021. ‘The resulting cycle times of the workpieces that have been produced on this

Memorial and power place
The ceremonial blessing of the memorial/power square on the company premises in Polling took place on 29 July 2021. The square, designed by artist Robert Pichler from Pettnau, is intended to commemorate the

Daniela Praxmarer: 3 questions - 3 answers
Daniela, as a trained tourism specialist, you are a career changer in the SFS management team. How did you become interested in a technical company?

Mario Greil: 3 questions - 3 answers
Mario, SFS accompanied you from skilled labourer to specialist for fluid technology systems. How did this personal development come about, and how did the company
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