
Daniela, as a trained tourism specialist, you are a career changer in the SFS management team. How did you become interested in a technical company?

The vacant position as an office administrator was advertised in the district newspaper at the time, and after a short online search about the company, my interest was piqued. I was still working in a travel agency at the time, but was not happy there. SFS, as an internationally active production company where I could use and deepen my language skills, interested me on the one hand, although I didn’t think I had much of a chance due to my lack of technical training. Even during the job interview, I could sense the family atmosphere of the up-and-coming company, and since the plant is also close to my home, I quickly decided to take the job and have been part of the team since 2004.

Daniela, as a trained tourism specialist, you are a career changer in the SFS management team. How did you become interested in a technical company?

Begonnen habe ich als Bürokauffrau und heute sitze ich im Strategieteam der SFS und kann die weitere Entwicklung des Unternehmens mitentscheiden – das freut mich sehr.  Mir war es immer sehr wichtig, mich weiterzubilden: So habe ich 2005 begonnen, berufsbegleitend in Innsbruck Betriebswirtschaftslehre zu studieren und noch einige weitere Ausbildungen abgeschlossen. Otto Staudacher hat meinen Drang nach Weiterbildungen immer unterstützt und war als Mentor immer für mich da. Zwei Jahre nach meinem ersten Studium wurde mir die Position Planung/Einkauf angeboten und diese Veränderungsmöglichkeit habe ich gerne angenommen. So bin ich über die Jahre immer mehr in die heutige Management-Position hineingewachsen.

„I really appreciate working for such an international company.

What makes working at SFS so special for you?

I really appreciate working in such an internationally active company. I have daily contact with partners from all over the world and from a wide variety of industries. Due to the many customer-specific products, the working day is always varied and never monotonous. What’s more, we have a very strong culture of togetherness. This starts with daily interdepartmental breaks, company parties and even company outings lasting several days.

Company holidays 24.12.21 - 02.01.22

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